The Garden of Archimede
A Museum for Mathematics




The "Bollettino" publishes correspondence and unpublished manuscripts of interest in the history of mathematics, bibliographical essays and original papers concerning the history of mathematical sciences. Its preferred languages are Italian, English, French, German, and Latin. Papers submitted for publication should be sent in two copies to:

"Bollettino di Storia delle Scienze Matematiche"
Dipartimento di Matematica
Viale Morgagni 67 / A
I- 50134 Firenze (Italia)

Manuscripts forwarded will not be returned. Authors will have to make sure they keep at least another copy of them.
Articles should be sent on floppy disk or other electronic support, together with a paper copy, typed with double spacing.
Special care should be taken over bibliographic references, which must be as complete as possible. In particular, for modern works it is necessary to indicate: Author, Complete Title, plus Publisher, place and date of publication (for books) or else "Journal", Volume, year and pages (for articles). For older works, a precise transcription of the title page is advisable. Figures in the text must be drawn in double size on separate sheets of glossy paper with black ink, indicating on the manuscript where they are to be placed.
Authors must communicate the complete address of the institution to which they belong, their postal address, e-mail address, and telephone and fax numbers. In addition, a concise and informative abstract in English (not exceeding 10 lines) is required. Authors will usually receive one set of proofs, which must be corrected and promptly returned to the publisher; any additional modifications after this stage are very expensive and will be charged to the Authors. In case of joint works, proofs will be sent to the first Author unless otherwise requested. Authors will receive fifty offprints of each paper free of charge.


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