Stochastic processes in Mathematical Physics

Firenze, June 19-23 2006

LA PIETRA WEEK IN PROBABILITY 2006 will be a school and conference presenting relevant topics in the probabilistic approach to Mathematical Physics, including some of the most recent advances and some of the prospective challenges of the field. During the meeting we take the occasion to celebrate Michael Aizenman's and Chuck Newman's 60th birthdays.

Program & timetables

Below is given a detailed (day by day) timetable. If you wish to have a short version of the timetable, please follow this link

Sunday 18

16:00-18:30  Registration

Monday 19

08:30-09:00  Registration 09:00-10:00   Giambattista Giacomin: Random Polymer Models: Disorder and Localization Phenomena 10:00-11:00   Wendelin Werner: Survey of recent mathematical progress in the understanding of critical 2d systems 11:00-11:30  coffee 11:30-12:15   Luiz Renato Goncalves Fontes: K-processes, scaling limit and aging for the REM-like trap model 12:15-13:00   Pierluigi Contucci: Factorization and ultrametricity in spin glasses 13:00-15:00  lunch 15:00-16:00   Short talks:               Cristian Giardiná: A numerical study of ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson model               Francesco Caravenna: Pinning models with laplacian interactions in (1+1)-dimension               Alessandra Faggionato: Mott variable-range random walk               Anne Fey-den Boer: Analytical results for Zhang's sandpile model               Misja Nuyens: Bak-Sneppen avalanches 16:00-16:45   Edward Waymire: A Generalized Taylor-Aris Formula and Skew Diffusion 16:45-17:30   S. R. Srinivasa Varadhan: Homogenization of random Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations

Tuesday 20

09:00-10:00   Giambattista Giacomin: Random Polymer Models: Disorder and Localization Phenomena 10:00-11:00   Wendelin Werner: Survey of recent mathematical progress in the understanding of critical 2d systems 11:00-11:30  coffee 11:30-12:15   Federico Camia: The Continuum Scaling Limit of 2D Critical Percolation 12:15-13:00   Vladas Sidoravicius: TASEP with slow bond 13:00-15:00  lunch 15:00-16:00   Short talks:               Alexis Gillett: Dependent continuum percolation               Julien Dubedat: Multiple SLEs               Pieter Trapman: Exponential growth of a spatial epidemic               Tobias Kuna: Realizability of point processes 16:00-16:45   Gian Michele Graf: Scattering of magnetic edge states 16:45-17:30   Jeffrey Schenker: Eigenfunction localization for random band matrices

Wednesday 21

09:00-09:45   Bernard Derrida: Fluctuations of current in non-equilibrium steady states 09:45-10:30   Giambattista Giacomin: Random Polymer Models: Disorder and Localization Phenomena 10:30-11:15   Joel Lebowitz: Phase transitions and mesoscopic structures in systems with long range interactions 11:15-11:45  coffee 11:45-12:30   Errico Presutti: Magnetostriction effects in continuum Potts models 12:30-13:15   Simone Warzel: A remark on the level statistics of random operators on trees 13:15-15:00  lunch 15:00-16:00   Short talks:               Beatrice De Tiliere: Loops statistics in the toroidal dimer model               Salvador Miracle-Sole: On the wetting transition for a SOS interface               Hatem Najar: Some results on the behavior of the I.D.S of random acoustic operators               Benedetto Scoppola: Some spin glass ideas applied to the clique problem               Francesco Mainardi: Continuous time random walk and parametric subordination in fractional diffusion 16:00-16:45   Gerard Ben Arous: Fractional Kinetics vs FIN diffusion as Scaling limits for trap models 16:45-17:30   Bertrand Duplantier: Path Crossings and Quantum Gravity 18:30-20:00  Comedy at the Teatrino (Green Theatre) 20:00-24:00  Dinner at the Limonaia with birthdays celebrations

Thursday 22

09:00-09:45   Wendelin Werner: Survey of recent mathematical progress in the understanding of critical 2d systems 09:45-10:30   Scott Sheffield: Tug of war. What is it good for? 10:30-11:00  Human rights session 11:00-11:30  coffee 11:30-12:15   Fabio Martinelli: Kinetically constrained spin models: rigorous results 12:15-13:00   Abel Klein: Localization for Schrödinger operators with Poisson random potential 13:00-15:00  lunch

Friday 23

09:00-13:00  Open workshop and discussions


MinicoursesTwo hours each plus a final lecture in the main session
Short talksTen minutes short talks
Human rightsHuman rights session
Open workshopOpen workshops and discussions among participants to the conference
lunchLunch break
coffeeCoffee break