The Garden of Archimedes
The Garden of Archimedes
A Museum for Mathematics
A bridge over the Mediterranean
Leonardo Pisano, the Arabic science and the renaissance of Mathematics in the West
The Arab expansion
The Arab-Islamic culture
The transmission of the scientific knowledge
The flourishing of the Arabic mathematics
Arabic terms in western mathematics
algebra e almucabala
cosa e censo
zero e cifra
radice e numeri surdi
The sources of the
Liber abaci
Pisa and the Mediterranean sea in thirteenth century
The Almohades and the development of trades
Leonardo Fibonacci from Pisa
Liber abaci
A pension for Leonardo Pisano
The positional notation
Problems from the
Liber abaci
: the rule of three
Problems from the
Liber abaci
: the false position
Problems from the
Liber abaci
: if 3 were 4
Rabbits and the numbers of Fibonacci
Shells and other curiosities
Fibonacci's numbers and the golden section
Money and interests
Hand memory
Problems from the
Liber abaci
: old women and cats
Problems from the
Liber abaci
: the chessboard
The legacy of the
Liber abaci
Commerce and mathematics
The abacus schools
The abacus schools in Florence
The abacus schools in Florence: the quarter of Santa Maria Novella
The abacus schools in Florence: the quarter of Santa Croce
The abacus schools in Florence: the quarter of San Giovanni
The abacus schools in Florence: the quarter of Santo Spirito
An abacus school in Pisa
The rediscovery of Fibonacci in the Nineteenth century
The Garden of Archimedes
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