The Garden of Archimedes
 The Garden of Archimedes
 A Museum for Mathematics

Objects of the exhibition
Beyond the compasses


A problem for which the cycloid represents the solution is the determination of the so-called brachistochrone. This is the curve which reduces to the minimum the falling time from one of its ends to the other. More precisely, if we fix two points P and Q, the first higher than the second but not on the vertical line, and let a body fall from P to Q sliding on a curve which joins the two points, the problem now is: among all the curves joining P to Q, which is the one that reduces the falling time to the minimum? It isn't the straight line joining the two points as one might suppose. In fact, in order to reduce falling time it is expedient to start almost vertically, so to gain speed straight away, even if the path is longer.
The exhibit shows that of two steel balls that left to fall simultaneously from point A, one along a straight track and the other along a cycloidal, the latter reaches point B first.

This exhibit shows another remarkable property of the (tautochrone) cycloid. For this curve, the time taken by a body to reach its lowest point is independent from the starting point. Whatever the starting point, the two small balls will meet in point A.


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