Poster Session

D. Finco,
K. Yajima
Lp boundedness of the wave operators for Schroedinger operators with threshold singularities, even dimensional case
E. Kalligiannaki,
G.N. Mathakis
Asymptotics of Wigner functions at high frequency and near caustics
O. Maj Wave energy transport via semiclassical asymptotics: a sketch and two examples of the research activity in Pavia
C. Manzini,
G. Frosali
Compressed asymptotic analysis of a quantum transport equation
O. Morandi,
L. Demeio
Simulation of the Rashba effect in a multiband quantum structure
A. Jungel,
D. Matthes
New quantum hydrodynamic models for seminconductors
C. Negulescu A hybrid approach for the simulation of a nanoscale MOSFETs
G. Panati,
H. Spohn,
H. Teufel
Effective dynamics for Bloch electrons
F. Pezzotti Semiclassical expansion and mean-field limit
T. Ryabukha Method of regulation of cumulant representation of solution for BBGKY hierarchy
M. Schulke Numerical solution of the Schroedinger equation on unbounded domains
V.O. Shtyk,
Zh. Ya. Artemychenko
On the solutions representations of the initial value problem to the quantum BBGKY hyerarchy

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